Thursday, May 30, 2013

The Selphyl Vampire Facelift by Lisa Topham!

How SELPHYL® & The Vampire Facelift WORKS to get you FIRM, SMOOTH and GLOWING!

An amazing lift, achieved with Selphyl!

How does a Selphyl Vampire Facelift work?
The SELPHYL® System is available exclusively through qualified healthcare practitioners for the safe and rapid collection of autologous PRP, using a small amount of your own blood.

How long does the procedure take?

The entire procedure takes about 30 minutes to perform in your doctor’s office.

How many treatments are needed?

The number of treatments needed depends on each individual patient, the desired outcome, and Lisa Topham's recommended  treatment plan. As a stand-alone therapy, we recommend a series of one to three injection sessions spaced from four weeks apart for optimal results.

Is the treatment painful?

Unlike other products that are acidic (low pH), SELPHYL® has close to physiologic pH. There may be some temporary discomfort during the injections, and occasional redness and bruising immediately following the treatment that resolves quickly.

Are there any side effects?

There have been no known side effects reported to date. Some patients may experience some mild irritation, swelling, bruising, itching, discoloration or tenderness at the injection sites. These are temporary conditions and typically resolve within two days.

How long does it last?

The longevity of the results of SELPHYL® treatments vary based on the extent of the procedure, areas treated, and number of sessions.

Can anyone be allergic to SELPHYL®?

There is virtually no risk of allergic reaction and no allergic reactions have been reported to date. The SELPHYL® System is used to rapidly collect and isolate a patient’s own PRP for injection and contains no animal or synthetic products.

What does a SELPHYL® Vampire Facelift cost?
Regularly $2500 per treatment, Split Rock is introducing the Vampire Facelift at a special rate of $1750 for your first session! This offer is available for a limited time, so call today!

Call Pat Kenyon at 203-831-8029 to make an appointment for a complimentary consultation for a SELPHYL Vampire Facelift at Split Rock Aesthetic Institute!

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